Smokers often say, "If cigarettes go up another dollar, I'll quit". Smokers may want to consider this the increase. Some health insurance companies charge 10-40% higher premiums to smokers. This is not the worse part. Smoking can contribute to a person's un-insurability, even if feeling healthy. Some insurance companies will consider a person who has a combination of smoking and any of the following conditions to be too high of a risk to insure. These include: high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even a person slightly overweight, it doesn't even matter if the conditions are under control with medications.
Smokers often feel that this is unfair. After all, we all know the man who lived to 90 years of age and had smoked since he was 12. Fact is, in an average, smokers are a much higher risk than that of a non-smoker. Insurance companies use large number averages to make decisions. They are not out to punish smokers, they are making decisions to stay in business.
If a smoker decides to quit, there is a process which should be followed if they want to save money on health insurance premiums. Insurance companies typically want to see someone be free from tobacco for one year. Once a smoker, an insurance company is going to want proof that the smoker is actually done smoking before they are willing to lower the premium. This can be provided by blood tests and good documentation
Below is a to do list:" Refrain from all NICOTINE use, including cigars, chewing tobacco, cigarettes, nicotine gum, patches etc…" Inform primary physician of intention to quit smoking." If currently insured, notify the insurance company of intentions." Make a doctor appointment one year after tobacco free." Provide insurance company with lab results
Once you have reached one year tobacco free, you should receive a reduction on your health insurance rate. At this time, you will probably be more excited about the thousands of dollars saved by not purchasing cigarettes
Each insurance company's requirements may vary, be sure to call and ask your carrier exactly what time frame they require as well as any additional documentation they may need.
By: iWebQuotes.com
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